《好想告诉你 第三季》百度云网盘日语中字.(2024)电影资源

《好想告诉你 第三季》百度云网盘日语中字.(2024)电影资源

导演: 松泽建一 又名: 只想告诉你(港/台) / Kimi ni Todoke / From Me to You 资源:好想告诉你第三季阿里云盘,百度云盘,夸克,阿里网盘,迅雷网盘,百度网盘,mp4磁力电驴ed2k,百度云115网盘 更新日期:2023-08-01 编剧: 金春智子 主演: 能登麻美子 / 浪川大辅 / 泽城美雪 / 三瓶由布子 / 中村悠一 / 宫野真守 / 小野友树 / 平野绫 类型: 爱情 / 动画 制片国家/地区: 日本 语言: 日语 首播: 2024-08-01(日本) 季数: 3



《暗芝居 第十三季》百度云网盘日语中字.(2024)电影资源



《好想告诉你》(又名《告白》或《Suki-tte Ii na yo.》)是一部由日本漫画家椎名轻穗创作的青春爱情漫画改编的动画,第三季的推出进一步深化了原作中人物的情感发展和成长历程,为观众带来了更多温暖与感动。




  • 黑泽光(黑沼爽子):本作的女主角,性格内向但心地善良,逐渐在朋友们的帮助下变得更加自信。
  • 风早翔太:爽子的同班同学,阳光帅气,是班级中的人气王,对爽子有着特殊的情感。
  • 吉田千鹤:爽子的好友,性格开朗,对爽子和风早的关系十分关注。
  • 柳原龙司:风早的好友,性格直率,对爽子抱有好感,他的存在为爽子和风早的关系带来了一些波折。


  • 情感深化:第三季中,爽子和风早之间的情感更加细腻和复杂,两人在面对彼此感情的同时,也学会了如何处理与朋友之间的关系。
  • 人物成长:随着剧情的推进,不仅爽子和风早,其他角色也经历了成长与变化,他们的友情和爱情故事更加丰富,展现了青春期的多样面貌。
  • 温馨与感动:《好想告诉你》第三季延续了前两季的温馨风格,通过一系列日常生活的片段,展现了青春的美好与复杂,让观众在欢笑与泪水中感受到了成长的温暖。



《好想告诉你》(又名《告白》或《Suki-tte Ii na yo.》) is an anime adaptation of the youth romance manga created by Japanese manga artist Shion Hiratsuka. The launch of its third season further deepens the emotional development and growth journey of the characters in the original work, bringing more warmth and touching moments to the audience.

Plot Overview

Season three of “Suki-tte Ii na yo.” continues to revolve around the introverted high school girl Kurono Mitsuki (also translated as Kurono Sawako) and the stories among her friends and classmates. Sawako is dubbed “Sadako” by her classmates due to her resemblance to Sadako from horror movies, but she possesses an exceptionally kind and gentle heart. In the second season, there was significant progress in the relationship between Sawako and her classmate Kazehaya Shota, and the third season delves deeper into their subtle emotional changes, as well as how Sawako finds a balance between friendship and love.

Main Characters

  • Kurono Mitsuki (Kurono Sawako): The female protagonist of the series, introverted but kind-hearted, gradually becoming more confident with the help of her friends.
  • Kazehaya Shota: Sawako’s classmate, sunny and handsome, popular among their classmates, and has a special affection for Sawako.
  • Yoshida Chizuru: Sawako’s friend, cheerful and concerned about the relationship between Sawako and Kazehaya.
  • Ebihara Ryuji: Kazehaya’s friend, straightforward and harbors feelings for Sawako, causing some complications in the relationship between Sawako and Kazehaya.

Highlights of the Third Season

  • Deepening Emotions: In the third season, the emotions between Sawako and Kazehaya become more delicate and complex, as they learn to handle relationships with friends while facing their mutual feelings.
  • Character Growth: As the plot progresses, not only do Sawako and Kazehaya experience growth and change, but other characters also go through their own development, enriching their friendships and love stories and showcasing the diverse facets of adolescence.
  • Warmth and Touching Moments: Season three maintains the warm tone of the previous two seasons, showcasing the beauty and complexity of youth through a series of daily life episodes, allowing the audience to feel the warmth of growth amid laughter and tears.


The third season of “Suki-tte Ii na yo.” is an animation filled with the essence of youth, narrating not just the awkward tales of love but profoundly depicting the confusion, growth, and self-discovery of adolescence. For viewers who enjoy themes of youthful romance, this work is undoubtedly a beautiful cinematic experience.

《好想告诉你 第三季》百度云网盘日语中字.(2024)电影资源


《暗芝居 第十三季》百度云网盘日语中字.(2024)电影资源

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