
1. 注册与购买套餐

  • 访问官网: 使用全局代理访问悠兔机场的官网,若官网打不开,请切换到备用地址。
  • 注册账号: 在官网首页点击“注册”按钮,填写所需信息,如邮箱、用户名、密码等,完成注册。
  • 选择套餐: 登录账号后,进入套餐选择页面,选择适合自己的流量套餐或按量付费方案。
  • 使用优惠码: 在结算页面输入8折优惠码“888”,每位用户限用一次。
  • 付款方式: 支持支付宝和微信支付,根据提示完成付款。

2. 安装客户端

  • 选择客户端: 根据自己的设备选择合适的客户端,悠兔机场提供iOS、Windows、Mac和安卓的客户端支持。
  • 客户端:
    • iOS: 可直接在App Store搜索并支持Shadowsocks的客户端应用。
    • Windows/Mac: 前往官网页面,选择Windows或Mac版本的客户端,点击。
    • 安卓: 前往官网页面或使用Google Play Store相应的Shadowsocks客户端。
  • 安装客户端: 完成后,根据系统提示完成安装。

3. 配置与连接

  • 获取订阅链接: 登录悠兔机场官网,在“用户中心”或“我的订阅”中获取专属订阅链接。
  • 导入订阅链接:
    • 打开客户端,在设置或订阅管理中找到“导入配置”或“订阅”选项,输入或粘贴订阅链接,点击确认。
  • 选择节点: 导入成功后,会显示多个可用的节点,选择一个适合自己的节点(如、日本、美国等)。
  • 连接到节点: 选择节点后,点击“连接”按钮,客户端会自动尝试连接到所选节点。

4. 使用注意事项

    • 节点选择: 建议选择延迟较低、稳定性较好的节点。可根据自身需要选择不同的地区节点。
    • 更换节点: 如果连接不稳定或速度不理想,可以尝试更换节点。
  • 流量监控: 定期检查自己的流量使用情况,避免超过套餐限制。
  • 同时连接设备数: 注意同一账号最多只能同时连接5个设备。

5. 常见问题与解决方法

  • 无法连接:
    • 检查订阅链接是否正确导入。
    • 更换节点尝试连接,或者切换到备用线路。
    • 检查网络设置,确保全局代理开启。
  • 测速慢或延迟高: 尝试更换到离自己更近的节点或更少人使用的节点。
  • 网页打不开或被屏蔽: 尝试切换节点或者使用备用的代理。

Here is a detailed step-by-step guide for using Yutu Airport, from registering and purchasing a package to installing the client and connecting.

1. Register and Purchase a Package

  • Visit the Official Website: Use a global proxy to access the official website of Yutu Airport. If the main site is down, try switching to the backup address.
  • Register an Account: On the homepage, click the “Register” button, fill in the required information such as email, username, and password, and complete the registration.
  • Select a Package: After logging in, go to the package selection page and choose a suitable traffic package or pay-as-you-go plan.
  • Apply Discount Code: Enter the 20% discount code “888” on the checkout page. Each user can use this code only once.
  • Payment Methods: Supports Alipay and WeChat Pay. Follow the prompts to complete the payment.

2. Download and Install the Client

  • Choose the Client: Select the appropriate client based on your device. Yutu Airport supports iOS, Windows, Mac, and Android clients.
  • Download the Client:
    • iOS: Search for and download a compatible Shadowsocks client app directly from the App Store.
    • Windows/Mac: Go to the official website’s download page, select the Windows or Mac version, and click to download.
    • Android: Go to the official website’s download page or use the Google Play Store to download the corresponding Shadowsocks client.
  • Install the Client: Once the download is complete, follow the system prompts to install it.

3. Configure and Connect

  • Obtain Subscription Link: Log in to the Yutu Airport website, and find your dedicated subscription link in the “User Center” or “My Subscription” section.
  • Import the Subscription Link:
    • Open the client, find the “Import Configuration” or “Subscription” option in settings or subscription management, and enter or paste the subscription link, then confirm.
  • Select a Node: After a successful import, multiple available nodes will be displayed. Choose a suitable node (such as Hong Kong, Japan, USA, etc.).
  • Connect to the Node: After selecting a node, click the “Connect” button, and the client will automatically attempt to connect to the selected node.

4. Usage Tips

  • Node Selection: It is recommended to choose nodes with lower latency and better stability. Select different regional nodes according to your needs.
  • Switch Nodes: If the connection is unstable or the speed is unsatisfactory, try switching nodes.
  • Monitor Traffic: Regularly check your traffic usage to avoid exceeding the package limit.
  • Simultaneous Device Connections: Note that the same account can only connect to a maximum of 5 devices simultaneously.

5. Common Issues and Solutions

  • Unable to Connect:
    • Check if the subscription link has been correctly imported.
    • Try changing nodes or switching to a backup route.
    • Check your network settings to ensure the global proxy is enabled.
  • Slow Speed or High Latency: Try switching to a node closer to your location or with fewer users.
  • Website Not Accessible or Blocked: Try switching nodes or using an alternate proxy.

6. Contact Customer Support

  • Customer Support: Submit a ticket on the “Customer Support” page of the official website or get help through the Telegram channel.
  • Custom Requirements: If you need a dedicated line or a high-traffic package, contact the airport owner via ticket for customization.
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